(Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Recognized by Govt. of Maharashtra,Reaccredited by NAAC,UGC Recognized Under 2(F)&12(B))

College Code:0876 | UNIPUNE ID:CAAP011450
Important Notice:

History of ATSS CBSCA

Audyogik Tantra Shikshan Sanstha popularity known as ATSS is an education trust established in 1963 and registered under Bombay Public Trust Act 1965 with registration number F-324 dated 16/7/66 and is also registered under Society's Act 1860 with registration number MAH/499/P of 6/7/65.
The Beginning
Deep rooted commitment towards education, strong social sense and focus on creating employable youth have been the pillars of 'Audyogik Tantra Shikshan Sanstha[ATSS]. Since its inception in year 1966 when Mr. M.D.Jambhekar,a visionary leader and educationist founded ATSS with the prime focus of giving skill training to the youth of Pimpri-Chinchwad for generation employable manpower for the emerging industries at that time.

The trust was supported by various manufacturing industries located in the industrial belt of Pimpri Chinchwad like Atlas Copco,TELCO[present Tata Motors],Forbes Marshall to name a few

Growth and Expansion
Over the period of last five decades, the trust established other Institutes as a response to the changing needs of Pimpri Chinchwad area. As per the changing times and needs of the industries and society, the true spread its wings in diversified educational areas in the field of primary education, technical education, computer education and management education.
Different institutes under ATSS
The Trust runs various recognized and affiliated institutes namely "Institute of Industrial and Computer Management and Research"[IICMR]; ATSS College of Business Studies and Computer Applications [CBSCA]. ATSS Industrial Training Center[ITC] and City Pride School under two campus operations, one at Pradhikaran,Nigdi and other at Chinchwad.

Founder Chairman, ATSS Trust


We are in the First Quarter of 21st Century. This Century is a century of Knowledge, Management and Technology. On one side we are peeping in universe to multitude of opportunities, on the other hand we are finding out what is hidden in the depth of oceans.

   On this background, whether you go in cosmos or in the depth of ocean, the accuracy, quality of your product services must be of highest standard. What is the Standard?

   ISO,DIN,I.S.S these are international, German Indian standards. Similarly in "Service" sector slowly the standards are also making an imprint .For instance, if the computer is not functioning, a guarantee is given that without two hours it would be repaired. This guarantee is given because manufacturer is sure about Quality. This has created a standard for deviation either on positive side or negative side. This system is now called Six Sigma i.e within one million products part will be defective

   Naturally engineers started making the process of manufacturing near to perfection. This century wherein 'Knowledge' plays a major need devised number of methods to make the process near to perfection.

   Similarly, imparting education, correction of papers should have least variation and this could be done only by standardizing process of teaching, process of correction so that no injustice is done towards any student.

  We at ATSS work hard at level to make this process of Education near to perfection.

Late Mr. M. D. Jambhekar   

Chairperson, ATSS Trust


First I would like to welcome all the students to ATSS family. It is really a very happy moment when someone new enters in the family. The ATSS family has a qualified, trained and motivated core team of mentors in conjunction with eminent personalities from industry and academic, who ensure the effective development, sharpening and honing of our "would be professionals".

We strongly believe in human values   our commitment to the Nation and Human Society. Accordingly our Teaching Learning process is based on motivating factors, discipline, although in relaxed natural ambiance. We have created a secured, friendly, peaceful, technologically sound environment for all our students to make the Institute, their desirable educational destination.

Institute has unique distinction of being strategically located in the industrial hub of Rajiv Gandhi InfoTech Park at Hinjawadi facilitating a professional interface of our students with industry.

I am confident that our wise would-be-professionals will prove themselves to be indispensable assets of any organization and thus help ATSS in reaching new heights.

Finally as Swami Vivekananda said, "We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to 'make' ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions."

I wish you all the best!

Prof.(Dr.) Deepali Sawai   

General Secretary, ATSS Trust


It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to ATSS.It is located in the midst of the Industrial hub of Automobile and IT industry also enjoys the demographic advantage of being closest to the economic capital of the country -Mumbai as well as carries the cultural advantage of Oxford of the East-Pune.

Keeping our strengths in mind, ATSS recognizes Industry as the most significant stakeholder of any professional institution. We have constantly endeavored to aligh our academic activities with the vision and mission of the institute and link academics with the corporate world.The institute takes rigorous efforts to inculcate the fundamental platform of knowledge and try to enhance the awareness of corporate processes among our students.

At ATSS, placement cell is backed with strong industry focused training and grooming of students throughout their academic life. To bring their overall personality, we invite and share knowledge and expertise by way of guest lectures, seminars and workshops. Training modules like Career Enhancement Programs, Aptitude Coaching, and Interview Sessions add to their special skill sets as entry level professional.

With our alumni already making us proud, we are confident that the present and future student batches will definitely contribute meaningfully to the growth of many industries and organizations around the globe.

Dr. Ashwini Kulkarni   

Principal, ATSS CBSCA


Dear students, As you begin your academic journey that will define your career in the coming years, it gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to this great ATSS family. It is a great honour for me to serve as the principal of the Audyogik Tantra Shikshan Sanstha's College of Business Studies & Computer Applications because it is one of the significant duties I am carrying out to groom students who will be India's future leaders. Audyogik Tantra Shikshan Sanstha's College of Business Studies & Computer Applications, popularly known as ATSS CBSCA, consists of academicians, administrators, and support staff, all of whom are dedicated to ensuring that you achieve your goals. College is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, accreted by NAAC and UGC recognized under 2(F) & 12(B). ATSS CBSCA is amongst the most popular colleges in PCMC which is committed to quality education. Many students have been groomed and developed at the college and we feel very proud in stating that many of our students are working at higher level positions in reputed organizations. The strength of the college lies in its team of dedicated and well-qualified staff and supporting and agile Management. .

  Our goal is to assess each student's progress in terms of their academic, cultural, social, emotional, and physical well-being. As per university guidelines, the choice-based credit system is implemented for all programs. The college has a well-defined academic planning, monitoring, evaluation, and feedback system. As technology is advancing very fast, the college integrates various add-on courses & value-added programs by having collaborations with industry experts. To ensure the all-around development of students, college organizes various extra-curricular activities & annual events. With a deep-rooted sense of social responsibility, the college feels committed to being an important part of society and conducts various extension and outreach activities on regular basis. For developing a healthy body and healthy mind sports, meditation, and yoga are integrated in our regular schedule.

  My best wishes to all the students of ATSS CBSCA.

Dr.Vishwas Swami    

ATSS CBSCA, Chinchwad   (1963-2019) →Developed and Designed Dream's Door Team